
First off, thank you for considering contributing to our documentation. Please read the following sections in order to know how to ask questions and how to work on something.

Contributing to User Guides and Tutorials

If you are using any specific software on any ThaiSC platform, you might already developed

  • a set of scripts to efficiently run the software
  • an effient workflow to work with the software
  • troubleshooting steps for your software

Then your experiece will be valuable for the other users and we would appreciate your help to complete this document with new topics/entries.

To do that, you first need to install this repository to your local machine.

Installing Documentation Repository

Here is a step by step plan on how to install this repository and generate your local copy of this document.

First, obtain Python 3.6 and virtualenv if you do not already have them. Using a virtual environment will make the installation easier, and will help to avoid clutter in your system-wide libraries. You will also need Git in order to clone the repository.

First, you need to clone the repository using following command

git clone
cd thaisc

Next, you will need to verify that your pip version is higher by using

pip --version

If the version is lesser than 18, you should upgrade pip before continuing.

pip install --upgrade pip

Once you have these, create a virtual environment inside the directory, then activate it:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Next, install the dependencies using pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

The source code of the document is in the /docs directory. To build your local document

cd docs
make html           # For building HTML document
make latexpdf       # For building PDF document

The HTML document will be in ./docs/_build/html/index.html directory and the PDF document will be in ./docs/_build/latex/ThaiSCDocumentation.pdf.